Fancy shaped butterfly
Sparkling Budhdha
Hand Carving Ganeshji
Ganesha is a popular figure in Indian art. Embedding this iconic image with the purity of diamond holds deep wisdom. Ganesha in one such form of religious jewel art that has always intrigued the devotees of this god.
We replenished our faith and passion in the making of the shape by ‘hand carving’ that each part of it made its own contribution to its brilliant appearance. The complexity in the making plays a major role in the charm and beauty in uniqueness of the 1.49 carat Natural Diamond Carving Of Ganesha.
Natural Diamond Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree also represents FERTILITY and NEW LIFE in the darkness of winters. There’s a kind of glory to them which spreads the sparkle of stars, it exceeds anything all the
money in the world could buy.
And that’s also why, many devout Christians would say, the Christmas tree makes such a perfect symbol for Jesus Christ.
The size of the Christmas tree doesn’t matter. It is always admired despite its size.
This 1.23 carat NATURAL DIAMOND precisely carved as a CHRISTMAS TREE adds more sparkle to the entire concept which is in itself a masterpiece and a jewel art to be treasured.
House Shaped Yellow Diamond